The revelation of the pattern of the tabernacle was given in an unusual way. Where a builder would typically begin from the exterior structure working inward, the pattern of the tabernacle began with its innermost part: the Ark. When it comes to our experience of living a tabernacling life, the order is the same: we begin with Christ. Christ is our center, just as the Ark is the center of the tabernacle (Heb. 9:4). Our life is a journey of the Lord saving us and leading us to see the vision of His dwelling place so that we can build it and become it in reality. Together with Him, we are building our life of mutual dwelling as Christ and the church.
Today, this blueprint is not just a diagram on paper or a vision in the sky; we are living it and fulfilling it through our churching and the Word becoming flesh in us in a tangible and subjective way (John 1:14). This very Person Who is tabernacling among us — Christ — is not only central, but practical and applicable in every way. When we’re with the saints, we don’t need to share something that is far away from us just because it sounds spiritual. As we go about our day, what truly touched us? How has the Lord impacted us? When we speak, it has to be for building up — it has to be this Christ Whom we have gained and experienced as our reality.
What are we building if we don’t have Christ? We can’t build the tabernacle with our fallen, human nature; humanity needs divinity. The tabernacle is meaningless without the Ark. Whatever we do — speaking, serving, sharing, working, parenting, living, eating, sleeping … anything! — we need this tangible, subjective, practical, applicable Christ. Otherwise, we’re building something else — a tabernacle with no Ark, an insult to the calling we have received. God’s view starts at the center, and He says, “And there I will meet with you, and I will speak with you” (Exo. 25:22). Praise the Lord that today we can directly access this Ark today in our spirit! And not only that, we can dwell there — with Him, in Him, every day and always!
(Above are notes of fellowship taken from a gathering on 12/1/2024, not reviewed by the speaker.)