
The promise of humanity

In Genesis 2:22, we see that Jehovah takes one of Adam’s ribs and builds it into a woman. Apparently, a rib is bone of Adam’s bones and flesh of Adam’s flesh, but a rib...

Maturity in serving

In the history between God and man, there have been many who have served Him. But the highest demand, the highest serving, is to meet the Lord’s greatest need by preparing the church for...

Eye to eye

When was the last time you looked someone in the eyes and found there no fault, no falsehood, no shadow? Instead, you found something true, unpretentious, free? Love is just like that. It is powerful....

A hidden love

Although the scriptures never recorded the Lord saying that He “loved” Abraham, or that Abraham suddenly became a zealous, godly man, we can see that his being called by God was so powerful that...

Getting to know our inner man

Human beings are like donuts. We can have all the outward things of life — things that seem tasty, pleasurable, and sweet — but there is a gaping hole in our center. Every day...

By whose definition?

Every day as we determine the daily, practical walk of our faith, we rely on what we see. But there is a crucial problem here: what we see is often based on how we...

Receiving God’s love

People have many ideas about what love is: being kind to someone, a romantic feeling, a physical relationship, or even having a legal marriage certificate. But all these understandings fall far short of truly...

God’s infinite love personified

Justification isn’t a term to understand, but the organic result of God’s love reaching man. In Romans 4, Paul tells us that Abraham was justified not from his works but by faith in God....

The fullness of love

The entire first eight chapters of the book of Romans have one aim: to bring us to the new creation. Paul ushers believers from objective knowledge of salvation into a subjective and intimate experience...