
Our warfare to win

As believers, we may passively go about our days, working from task to task, without recognizing that there is a constant warfare going on that urgently requires that we live with strength. The enemy...

An urgent voice in the age of convenience

The beginning of Exodus presents a picture of how God’s people work and live “actively” in Egypt, yet they were dead in their own condition. Today, we still witness this picture in front of...

A weighty vessel, a divine relationship

In the New Testament, the Lord often speaks in parables. The Lord’s New Testament speaking is not like the straightforward commands in the Old Testament, when God gave no room for imagination about His...

Meant to be whole

` Human life was established and meant to be whole. Since the first day of our existence, the intention was completeness. When God created Adam, God desired a oneness — a wholeness — between Him...

New life starts with a breath

` Every day, we find ourselves doing something miraculous without giving it much thought at all. Breathing! We live by a universal truth that everyone needs to breathe air to live. While this principle is...

Believing and receiving — now!

` The Bible is very clear concerning God's promise in His economy. However, the major difficulty that needs to be overcome is that we do not live the life of a believer — we hold...

Exercising our spiritual muscles

You might think that the biggest threat the enemy poses to believers today is temptation, sins, wrongdoings, or other outwardly worldly things. But he is even more cunning than that — even if we...

“Treasure in earthen vessels”

But we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not out of us. (2 Cor. 4:7) From the very beginning, man was formed into a...

God’s economy in motion

Christianity often preaches a “prosperity gospel”: “Believe in the Lord and you will receive all God’s blessings!” But what does it mean to be blessed? The book of Psalms begins with this word: “Blessed...