
The church — alive, flowing, and fruitful

The church began in a powerful and overcoming way. At the end of the days of Pentecost, after much persevering and steadfast prayer, a sound out of heaven, as of a rushing, violent wind,...

A soul gained by Christ

As believers following the Lord, losing our soul-life is not the end goal — the gaining of our soul is! We should stop insisting that we can do all these things to lose our...

Starting with the Ark

The revelation of the pattern of the tabernacle was given in an unusual way. Where a builder would typically begin from the exterior structure working inward, the pattern of the tabernacle began with its...

From stones to a spiritual house

Peter’s life in the Bible is a powerful picture of a deep and thorough transformation work — and this picture has everything to do with you. A New Testament believer’s life is a life...

Can you lose your soul-life?

Can you deny yourself? Can you take the Lord’s cross? Can you lose your soul-life? If we are honest, we will confess, “No. We can’t.” Why, then, does the Lord tell us to lose our...

Remembering for transformation

God wants us to remember who we are: we have been chosen to become His “acquired possession” (1 Pet. 2:9). Like the Hebrews in the Old Testament, who after four hundred years became Egyptian...

Living for God’s house II: Guarding the welfare of the household

Our experience of building up the church today is deeply tied to how much we live as a true family with one another in our daily lives. Through our marriage to Christ, we’ve been...

Living for God’s house I: The eyesight of the church

God in Genesis said that all that He created, especially man, was “very good” (Gen. 1:31). What’s good in God’s eyes is very precise: God is looking for His representation and His rest through...

Terribly vital

There is a tremendous and vital force in the universe that cannot be stopped. Since the beginning when He created man, God’s desire has been for His life to be outpoured and received by...