
The wall, the work, and the warfare

When we talk about the ground of the local church today, there is a fundamental standard and boundary that defines what is within and what is outside of this ground. In the Lord’s recovery,...

Humanity & Ministry: II. Serving with divinity and humanity

In part one, we saw that God’s propagation requires a transformed, tangible humanity on the earth. The book of Acts began with Christ’s ascension, which also initiated His heavenly ministry being carried out on the earth by a group of believers.

Humanity & Ministry: I. Living out a beautiful life for the ministry

In the days of the pandemic, our lives have been fundamentally changed. Before, when we spent most of our time in the world, maybe we had many excuses to remain immature and ignorant to...

A life on the mark

“If we say that we do not have sin, we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our...

Redeeming the Time: II. Vessels interpreting eternity

Today, all human beings on the earth are searching for peace—for satisfaction. But where do we find peace? As human beings, we are designed with a very special function: we are vessels for containing the divine life of God.

Redeeming the Time: I. Recovering our tangibility

Take a moment and recall those vivid memories from when you were young—the feeling of a hug or admonishment from your mom, the joy of playing alongside your brother or sister, even the sound...

The humanity of our Lord and Christ in us

The church life has a strong presence of the Lord’s speaking. But without the impact and the echo of the Lord’s present speaking among the saints, we cannot have a true church life. The...

“Come Forward”

All human beings seek for a sense of accomplishment—a sense of satisfaction. That satisfaction comes from an innate sense of our existence; human living was brought into existence on the earth for a purpose....

The tenting life: Led “all the way” unto Christ

Our modern life today is one of comfort, convenience and distraction—full of places, things, people, jobs, houses, entertainment, and responsibilities that tie us down. And yet true believers are sojourners on this earth, awaiting...