The message and the messenger
Throughout the Bible and until today, God has sanctified and sent His chosen ones to carry forth the message of His purpose and salvation. Although we are all born sinful, wretched, and blind, we have been saved out of our fallen condition, being reborn and begotten of God, and brought out of old creation and into new creation.
Journey From the Old to the New: III. The bow
At the end of Genesis chapter nine, God sets a bow in the sky as a sign of his covenant with Noah. This covenant ties God the Creator with His redeemed people in a newly redeemed world.
Journey From the Old to the New: II. The covenant
In Genesis 8, after the judgment came on the earth, Noah and his household came out of the ark onto dry land and saw a freshly washed and new earth, with nothing of the old remaining. There he built an altar.
Journey From the Old to the New: I. The altar
When Noah was called to build the ark, the earth was corrupted, full of wickedness, violence and flesh (Gen. 6:1-13). God desired to wipe out the old to make way for the new — to end the old, fallen generation and initiate a fresh, new beginning to recover His own purpose on the earth.
The Calling & Condition of God’s People Today: III. A dispensational consecration
Now we have the church life. But what is the nature of this life? Where did it come from? How can we maintain it? The church life didn’t originate from us, so we have no way to maintain or upkeep this life.
The Calling & Condition of God’s People Today: II. The dispensational condition
For those who receive and carry this calling, there is a common condition whose thread can be traced to link the saints not just in the local churches, but also many other brothers and sisters throughout history. In the past 2000 years, many saints were hidden in monasteries, nunneries, or in certain denominations, yet they were not denominational; they were not divisive; they did not identify with those systems.
The Calling & Condition of God’s People Today: I. The dispensational calling
From where does the church receive power to shine in the dark age? We can say that the world today is suffering more lies, more subtleties, and more evil than in previous ages. What gives God’s people power to shine, what empowers them to rise above the worldly trend unto a minister’s calling?
A Life in Resurrection: II. Propagation of the firstfruits
1 Corinthians 15 shows us Paul’s understanding of the resurrection life: while he was facing those who denied the resurrection — a generation of religious people and worldly philosophers alike — Paul insisted that we be recovered back to the essential experience of the Bible, and that we enter into the reality of the resurrection, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep: Christ.
A Life in Resurrection: I. Firstborn & firstfruits
The Bible gives us a fundamental understanding to enter into the essential experience of our salvation — to come to the “norm” of a believer’s life and develop the full functionality and faculties of a spiritual living. As Christians, our “norm” should be a life in resurrection.