
“Quantum Compression”

Oftentimes, when we think about the word “quantum,” our mind immediately goes towards scientific energy, something far and remote, to explain the phenomena in the universe. But do we know that our God is...

A divine marital covenant

To many believers, one of the most prominent passages from the Old Testament is the giving of the ten commandments in the book of Exodus to God’s people. This passage is considered important as...

In His image and likeness

In our modern times, value is often given to things based on economics — how much something is worth and how it can add benefit to our lives. For others, value may be placed...

“There’s a Man in the Glory”

Oftentimes when believers talk about the Lord, the most common descriptors given are words like “almighty,” “powerful,” or “creator” to name a few. Our God is almighty, powerful, and our creator — but what connection does that have to us?

The Ark of the Testimony: A living soul

In Exodus chapter 25, very specific instructions are given to build a unique piece of furniture. Here we read a description of a box — and yet this box is the center of not...

Ambient change

When the children of Israel came out of Egypt they had little more than a concept of who God was. Though they had experienced miraculous signs and wonders both in captivity and in the...

Upholding Glory

Then Jehovah spoke to Moses, saying, / … you shall take from them: gold… / … and acacia wood, / … / And let them make a sanctuary for Me that I may dwell...

Offering for the building

When we think about ourselves as human beings, we would hardly consider ourselves as a structure, object or place. Yet the Bible describes God’s people in such a way: as a dwelling place, His...

Tangible salvation in God’s apportioned time 

When we think about Daniel in the Old Testament, we may be very quick to think of him as a great figure — bold and powerful in the world; appearing wise to see and...