Can you lose your soul-life?
Can you deny yourself? Can you take the Lord’s cross? Can you lose your soul-life?
If we are honest, we will confess, “No. We can’t.” Why, then, does the Lord tell us to lose our...
Remembering for transformation
God wants us to remember who we are: we have been chosen to become His “acquired possession” (1 Pet. 2:9). Like the Hebrews in the Old Testament, who after four hundred years became Egyptian...
Meant to be whole
Human life was established and meant to be whole. Since the first day of our existence, the intention was completeness. When God created Adam, God desired a oneness — a wholeness — between Him...
Be Thou supreme, O Jesus Christ
Be Thou supreme, O Jesus Christ, Nor creed, nor form, nor word,Nor holy Church, nor human love, Compare with Thee, my Lord!
In your daily life, what is “supreme” to you? In other words, what is your...
Remembering and rejoicing
By the rivers of Babylon, / There we sat down; indeed, we wept / When we remembered Zion. On the willows in the midst of it / We hung up our lyres, For there...
Eye to eye
When was the last time you looked someone in the eyes and found there no fault, no falsehood, no shadow? Instead, you found something true, unpretentious, free?
Love is just like that. It is powerful....
Receiving God’s love
People have many ideas about what love is: being kind to someone, a romantic feeling, a physical relationship, or even having a legal marriage certificate. But all these understandings fall far short of truly...
God’s infinite love personified
Justification isn’t a term to understand, but the organic result of God’s love reaching man. In Romans 4, Paul tells us that Abraham was justified not from his works but by faith in God....
The One walking in us
Who delivered us out of the authority of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of the Son of His love (Col. 1:13)
In Colossians 1, Paul opens his epistle to the saints with the...