My “first communion”
Like many people who grew up in Catholic school, I remember my first communion. I recall taking classes to learn about the Eucharist, the fear of going in to make my first confession to...
Resolution in the new year
New Year's Day brings most people to a point of introspection — reflecting on what we’ve learned, how we've disappointed ourselves or others, the relationships we’ve lost or gained, and all sorts of resolutions...
From a thick cloud to a heaven of clearness
When we are buried in our daily routines, handling one issue after another, our vision often becomes blurry to the Lord. We are hemmed in by the details of improving things and getting better,...
Building a precise ecology for life
A few days ago, I had a fish aquarium set up in my room. On Friday, a brother showed up with a five-gallon empty tank along with all kinds of equipment and supplies. There...
Not fixed, but transformed
We bought a used Buick years ago. It drove well, was comfortable, and looked good on the outside, but it had a serious flaw. From the start, there was a faint exhaust smell that...
Eating humanity
“The church life is all about eating,” a brother recently said during the end-of-the-year gatherings as part of our churching together. And while we prepared and ate a lot of good food together, what...
Gaining power by walking
Recently, during our trip as a church, one of our young brothers who just transitioned into college life as a freshman flew back to spend time with us. As he shared his college experience...
Freedom for oneness
Standing on centuries-old soil of a former slave plantation in the deep south, I found myself filled with many senses. As part of one of our recent trips as a church to South Carolina,...
The posture of life
In late spring a few months ago, while it was still very cold out, a few sisters and I went to a free plant exchange. There weren’t many options that day, but I came...