Telling the world you’re content


People in the world are searching high and low for something that will satisfy them. But whether we seek satisfaction in physical, material, moral, or intellectual means, we will always thirst again. 

This thirst of humanity is nothing new. In John 4:10, Jesus spoke to a Samaritan woman of a living water that will cause us to never thirst again. That woman was not only physically at a well, thirsty for water; she was also humanly — spiritually — dissatisfied, thirsty for life. We are just like that woman; we also have tried many “husbands” only to return thirsty to the same well with the same empty water pot. In the end, the people, things, and careers that we’ve given ourselves to — which we once believed would satisfy us — are the many “marriages” of the Samaritan woman. And they will all run dry. 

If today, you met a group of people who have a satisfaction that lasts, who are not only temporarily content but are overflowing with something inexplicably hopeful and joyful — would you not also ask to have what they have? Like the Samaritan woman, would you not also drop your water pot to follow after such ones? 

We are here to tell you that what the world is looking for has already been found more than two thousand years ago. That satisfaction and happiness we’ve all sought after is just like the satisfaction of the Samaritan woman who believed in the Lord as the true solution to her problem of thirst. She became a vital and influential person, one who went into the city and caused many to believe in the Lord. 

After hearing this story, wouldn’t you agree that one of the most beautiful and attractive people is a woman happily married? This is not the fallen concept of “marriage” between a man and a woman that we commonly think of; the marriage that we’re speaking about is the marriage between us and the Lord! He Who came to us while we thirsted and tried all in vain, and Who gave us a way through Himself — it is this One to Whom we are married, and Who is our true source, true well, and true fountain of life. 

As believers, we all are part of the wife of Christ (Eph. 5:25) and are happily married to the Lord. We’re happy because we have always been designed for this divine marriage, and not only is He our source of satisfaction, but we as His wife also satisfy Him back. Jesus tells His disciples in John 4:32 that He has food to eat that His disciples did not know about, because at that very moment, the Samaritan woman’s testimony was multiplying fruitfully among the people — so that “many more believed because of His word” (v. 41). Indeed, our marital life with Christ is our gospel, and it is powerful and attractive!

As believers, do we know we have a contentment the world can never offer? Our happiness is that we have the source, a fountain of water springing up into eternal life, that is right here inside of us, in our beings. What is — or rather, who is — that fountain? The Lord is the reality of that fountain, of that eternal life, of that satisfaction of our existence. Whenever we go to Him in our spirit and in truthfulness, we begin to live out a life we were meant to live — a marital life, with and for the Lord. And the result is spontaneous: this testimony of our marriage with Christ will be fruitful, just as a branch that abides in the Vine bears much fruit (John 15:5). 

If we are unhappy, if we are not overflowing, we cannot bring anyone to salvation. How can anyone be convinced by our life if we are barren, lost, and coming to the same wells again and again, like them? How can we bear fruit if we are still unattached to Christ? How can we bring others to Him if we are still holding on to a worldly water pot? How can we give others something higher when we’re still very earthen and low? Our life in Christ is high, and it is divine; this high and divine life is found neither on a mountain nor in Jerusalem but in spirit and truthfulness, and He is seeking after such ones to worship and love Him in this way (4:19-24). We are those with this upward call (Phil. 3:14), raised up and seated with Him (Eph. 2:6), soaring on eagle’s wings (Isa. 40:31). 

Do you want to be attractive? Powerful to your friends and people around you? Look no further than this divine and high place, this fountain of life, this Jesus Christ inside of your spirit, who knows everything you are and have done. Be married to Him! Know who He is! Let Him be your source and true Husband. This is the answer to our human existence, and it is the only true life that the lost world really needs. They don’t need your good logic or moral teachings; they need you to have the multiplying life of the happily married woman who is living for and with Christ. In this way, every day, we are living above the earthen, low, and worldly concerns. We’ve ended all our searching. We have found the answer to all our struggles. 

Lord, as each new year passes and Your return draws closer, we pray to multiply and bear fruit for You. Thank You for reminding us who we are and why we are here. Your builded church overcomes the power of death and the gates of Hades (Matt. 16:18). We are satisfied, reigning, and loving You.

(Above are notes of fellowship taken from a gathering on 12/22/2024, not reviewed by the speaker.)


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