Christ is the life. Church is the living.

Welcome to the church in Toledo, an organic and vital body of believers consecrated unto Him, living out His eternal purpose on this earth day by day, moment by moment. 


In every generation, there have been those who, in answering the Lord’s specific and intimate calling, have stood firm as a testimony for Him. In this era, the testimony is not that of individual spiritual men, but of the corporate expression and outlived realization of Christ through His church. We are grateful to be those ones to whom He has revealed His eternal plan and His move on the earth in this age. As the world changes rapidly, we find ourselves looking more deeply unto our precious Lord, the source of all administration, to rejoice and prepare together with all the saints for His coming.


Telling the world you’re content

People in the world are searching high and low for something that will satisfy them. But whether we seek satisfaction in physical, material, moral, or intellectual means, we will always thirst again.  This thirst of humanity is nothing new. In...

The great famine of our generation

The church today has become irrelevant in the eyes of the world, either pushed into the corner of society as a dead, religious institution or viewed as a strange group of old-fashioned traditionalists. But the need for the church...

Lord, raise Your overcomers

When we look at the days ahead of us, at the uncertain future of the world, we pray, “Lord, raise your overcomers.” Today, amidst a rapidly changing global environment, people are lost in the tide of the age. Who...

A recovered humanity

What does it mean to be the Lord’s recovery? It begins with an understanding that there is something humanity has lost. As the church, we hold today not only an understanding of the problem, but also the answer: we...


“Here, there is a realm, and this realm has never been individual. When we come together, we move like an army. Whatever we do, it’s done completely, efficiently. Everyone’s cooperation is unbelievably precise. You won’t find this kind of unity in any company or religious organization. This is because we are not only leading each one’s heart, but also each one’s life. We are same-souled because we share the same Spirit. That’s just the way the church is produced.”

– the church in Toledo 


“And they continued steadfastly in the teaching and the fellowship of the apostles, in the breaking of bread and the prayers. And fear was upon every soul; and many wonders and signs took place through the apostles. And all those who believed were together and had all things common; And they sold their properties and possessions and divided them to all, as anyone had need. And day by day, continuing steadfastly with one accord in the temple and breaking bread from house to house, they partook of their food with exultation and simplicity of heart, Praising God and having grace with all the people. And the Lord added together day by day those who were being saved.”

Resolution in the new year

New Year's Day brings most people to a point of introspection — reflecting on what we’ve learned, how we've disappointed ourselves or others, the relationships we’ve lost or gained, and all sorts of resolutions for change. Yet, like the...

From a thick cloud to a heaven of clearness

When we are buried in our daily routines, handling one issue after another, our vision often becomes blurry to the Lord. We are hemmed in by the details of improving things and getting better, fighting for ourselves. But recently...

Building a precise ecology for life

A few days ago, I had a fish aquarium set up in my room. On Friday, a brother showed up with a five-gallon empty tank along with all kinds of equipment and supplies. There was sand, driftwood, and rocks....



We meet daily and from house to house, as in the early days of the church in Acts. We post and share every week as well, so join us! To reach us, fill out the contact form below or email us at