Christ is the life. Church is the living.

Welcome to the church in Toledo, an organic and vital body of believers consecrated unto Him, living out His eternal purpose on this earth day by day, moment by moment. 


In every generation, there have been those who, in answering the Lord’s specific and intimate calling, have stood firm as a testimony for Him. In this era, the testimony is not that of individual spiritual men, but of the corporate expression and outlived realization of Christ through His church. We are grateful to be those ones to whom He has revealed His eternal plan and His move on the earth in this age. As the world changes rapidly, we find ourselves looking more deeply unto our precious Lord, the source of all administration, to rejoice and prepare together with all the saints for His coming.


Terribly vital

There is a tremendous and vital force in the universe that cannot be stopped. Since the beginning when He created man, God’s desire has been for His life to be outpoured and received by us. Our God is very...

Our warfare to win

As believers, we may passively go about our days, working from task to task, without recognizing that there is a constant warfare going on that urgently requires that we live with strength. The enemy is crouching and waiting for...

An urgent voice in the age of convenience

The beginning of Exodus presents a picture of how God’s people work and live “actively” in Egypt, yet they were dead in their own condition. Today, we still witness this picture in front of our eyes in our modern...

A weighty vessel, a divine relationship

In the New Testament, the Lord often speaks in parables. The Lord’s New Testament speaking is not like the straightforward commands in the Old Testament, when God gave no room for imagination about His judgment. When Jesus was on...


“Here, there is a realm, and this realm has never been individual. When we come together, we move like an army. Whatever we do, it’s done completely, efficiently. Everyone’s cooperation is unbelievably precise. You won’t find this kind of unity in any company or religious organization. This is because we are not only leading each one’s heart, but also each one’s life. We are same-souled because we share the same Spirit. That’s just the way the church is produced.”

– the church in Toledo 


“And they continued steadfastly in the teaching and the fellowship of the apostles, in the breaking of bread and the prayers. And fear was upon every soul; and many wonders and signs took place through the apostles. And all those who believed were together and had all things common; And they sold their properties and possessions and divided them to all, as anyone had need. And day by day, continuing steadfastly with one accord in the temple and breaking bread from house to house, they partook of their food with exultation and simplicity of heart, Praising God and having grace with all the people. And the Lord added together day by day those who were being saved.”

Eating humanity

“The church life is all about eating,” a brother recently said during the end-of-the-year gatherings as part of our churching together. And while we prepared and ate a lot of good food together, what this brother was talking about...

Gaining power by walking

Recently, during our trip as a church, one of our young brothers who just transitioned into college life as a freshman flew back to spend time with us. As he shared his college experience with us thus far, we...

Freedom for oneness

Standing on centuries-old soil of a former slave plantation in the deep south, I found myself filled with many senses. As part of one of our recent trips as a church to South Carolina, we had stopped to visit...



We meet daily and from house to house, as in the early days of the church in Acts. We post and share every week as well, so join us! To reach us, fill out the contact form below or email us at